
Code Repositories

The Source Code Secrets dataset is available to users who want to monitor Github, GitLab, and Bitbucket for accidental disclosure of sensitive information. Often times programmers post sensitive information in their code without realizing that access to the code is public. Users can search for Client IDs, usernames, potential cryptographic private keys, and more.




date data was exported, transformed or loaded (ETL)


when code repository data was first observed


code repository account username


website hosting the code repository (Github, Bitbucket, Gitlab)


when code repository data was last observed


sensitive information identified in code repository


file containing sensitive information identified in code repository


code repository URL


name of code repository


description of the sensitive information identified in code repository

List of signatures detected in source_code_secrets index:

  1. 1Password password manager database file

  2. AWS Access Key ID Value

  3. AWS Access Key ID

  4. AWS Account ID

  5. AWS CLI credentials file

  6. AWS Secret Access Key

  7. AWS Session Token

  8. AWS cred file info

  9. Amazon MWS Auth Token

  10. Apache htpasswd file

  11. Apple Keychain database file

  12. Artifactory

  13. Azure service configuration schema file

  14. Carrierwave configuration file

  15. Chef Knife configuration file

  16. Chef private key

  17. CodeClimate

  18. Configuration file for auto-login process

  19. Contains a private key

  20. Created by Jetbrains IDEs, contains webserver credentials with encoded passwords (not

  21. encrypted!)

  22. Created by remote-sync for Atom, contains FTP and/or SCP/SFTP/SSH server details and

  23. credentials

  24. Created by sftp-deployment for Atom, contains server details and credentials

  25. Created by vscode-sftp for VSCode, contains SFTP/SSH server details and credentials

  26. DBeaver SQL database manager configuration file

  27. Day One journal file

  28. DigitalOcean doctl command-line client configuration file

  29. Django configuration file

  30. Docker configuration file

  31. Docker registry authentication file

  32. Environment configuration file

  33. Facebook Client ID

  34. Facebook Secret Key

  35. Facebook access token

  36. FileZilla FTP configuration file

  37. FileZilla FTP recent servers file

  38. Firefox saved password collection (can be decrypted using keys4.db)

  39. GNOME Keyring database file

  40. Git configuration file

  41. GitHub Hub command-line client configuration file

  42. Github Key

  43. GnuCash database file

  44. Google (GCM) Service account

  45. Google Cloud API Key

  46. Google OAuth Access Token

  47. Google OAuth Key

  48. Heroku API key

  49. Heroku config file

  50. Hexchat/XChat IRC client server list configuration file

  51. HockeyApp

  52. Irssi IRC client configuration file

  53. Java keystore file

  54. Jenkins publish over SSH plugin file

  55. KDE Wallet Manager database file

  56. KeePass password manager database file

  57. LinkedIn Secret Key

  58. Linkedin Client ID

  59. Little Snitch firewall configuration file

  60. Log file

  61. MailChimp API Key

  62. MailGun API Key

  63. Microsoft BitLocker Trusted Platform Module password file

  64. Microsoft BitLocker recovery key file

  65. Microsoft SQL database file

  66. Microsoft SQL server compact database file

  67. Mongoid config file

  68. Mutt e-mail client configuration file

  69. MySQL client command history file

  70. MySQL dump w/ bcrypt hashes

  71. NPM configuration file

  72. Network traffic capture file

  73. NuGet API Key

  74. OmniAuth configuration file

  75. OpenVPN client configuration file

  76. Outlook team

  77. PHP configuration file

  78. Password Safe database file

  79. PayPal/Braintree Access Token

  80. Picatic API key

  81. Pidgin OTR private key

  82. Pidgin chat client account configuration file

  83. PostgreSQL client command history file

  84. PostgreSQL password file

  85. Potential Jenkins credentials file

  86. Potential Linux passwd file

  87. Potential Linux shadow file

  88. Potential MediaWiki configuration file

  89. Potential PuTTYgen private key

  90. Potential Ruby On Rails database configuration file

  91. Potential cryptographic key bundle

  92. Potential cryptographic private key

  93. Potential jrnl journal file

  94. Private SSH key

  95. Public ssh key

  96. Rails master key (used for decrypting credentials.yml.enc for Rails 5.2+)

  97. Recon-ng web reconnaissance framework API key database

  98. Remote Desktop connection file

  99. Robomongo MongoDB manager configuration file

  100. Ruby IRB console history file

  101. Ruby On Rails secret token configuration file

  102. Ruby on rails secrets.yml file (contains passwords)

  103. Rubygems credentials file

  104. S3cmd configuration file

  105. SFTP connection configuration file

  106. SQL Data dump file

  107. SQL dump file

  108. SQLite database file

  109. SQLite3 database file

  110. SSH Password

  111. SSH configuration file

  112. Salesforce credentials in a nodejs project

  113. Sauce Token

  114. SendGrid API Key

  115. Sequel Pro MySQL database manager bookmark file

  116. Shell command alias configuration file

  117. Shell command history file

  118. Shell configuration file

  119. Shell profile configuration file

  120. Slack Token

  121. Slack Webhook

  122. SonarQube Docs API Key

  123. Square Access Token

  124. Square OAuth Secret

  125. StackHawk API Key

  126. Stripe API key

  127. T command-line Twitter client configuration file

  128. Terraform variable config file

  129. Tugboat DigitalOcean management tool configuration

  130. Tunnelblick VPN configuration file

  131. Twilo API Key

  132. Twitter Client ID

  133. Twitter Secret Key

  134. Username and password in URI

  135. Ventrilo server configuration file

  136. WP-Config

  137. Windows BitLocker full volume encrypted data file

  138. cPanel backup ProFTPd credentials file

  139. esmtp configuration

  140. git-credential-store helper credentials file

  141. netrc with SMTP credentials

Last updated