
All of the data sets have indices that can be selected to narrow the scope of queries and visualizations.

  • wl_botnet_tracker*

  • wl_breach_data*

  • wl_darkweb*

  • wl_darkweb_forum*

  • wl_darkweb_marketplace*

  • wl_darkweb_ransomware*

  • wl_keylogger_data*

  • wl_malicious_email*

  • wl_malicious_email_detections*

  • wl_malicious_emails*

  • wl_malicious_emails_context*

  • wl_open_cloud_*

  • wl_open_cloud_buckets*

  • wl_open_cloud_bucket_files*

  • wl_pastebin*

  • wl_sinkhole_traffic*

  • wl_source_code_secrets*

  • wl_threat_recon*

These indices can also be used to aggregate similar documents. For example wl_darkweb* subsumes each of the three related document types describing different aspects of the dark web:

  • wl_darkweb_forum*

  • wl_darkweb_marketplace*

  • wl_darkweb_ransomware*

All indices are aggregated into a top level index that can be selected to perform operations across all of the diverse Data Sets, Indices, and Document Types:

  • wl_*

Last updated